Monday, June 15, 2009

First Lesson

First, when we will learn to play the keyboard, we have to understand the essence of playing the keyboard. Playing the keyboard itself is divided into 2 types, namely single keyboard and full keyboard band. Given that there are two types, of course the difference is very clear.. From how to play, playing techniques, used chord, until the improvisation.

For the first section, I will explain a little bit about the single keyboard. On this type of keyboard playing, we will only play alone. No one else will play the music except ourselves and the vocalist. So for this we are charged to manage all well, from the type of music that will be used, the type of voice that will be used, up to tempo, and even other keyboard control. To play this type of keyboard, the level of creativity and sense of music we will be seen clearly. Because according to my observations, there are people who look very creative (eg playing different types of voice in that keyboard) but his sense of music low .. He does not know how to and the time is right to use the voice-to voice. Another people have a good sense of music, but less creative to develop his play so it heard so boring. So, to play the single keyboard what we need is to combine the sense of music and the creativity so it will be heard nice.

For the second, we will discuss about the full band keyboard. For this section, we will play together with the drums , the bass and the keyboard. That is the minimum requirement of a band. There is also a band that does not use this concept, but replace it with the guitar, so that the band became drum, bass, and guitar. Basically, when we play in a band, the technique that we use is not far different from the techniques used to play piano. So, to play with the band, we need to know some basic techniques for playing piano (especially for songs that use lots of keyboard, such as the mellow music genre) so that the band's play feels good to be heard. In the other session, I will discuss about two types of techniques to play the keyboard in full band.

See you next time ...

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